Halfway Through 2020
July 11, 2020We’ve reached the halfway point of this crazy year. The first six months have been a whirlwind of ups and downs, flattening coronavirus curves and rising learning curves as many of us pivot to conduct business in new ways. Usually 20/20 is associated with vision – foresight or hindsight.

Looking forward is fraught with uncertainty unlike any other time I can remember. Many of us are operating day to day, imagining what the future might look like. Will we get back to “normal”? Do we want to? I have been thinking a lot about the changes that have come and will continue to come, some for the better.
For one thing, I know that I have stopped taking much for granted. My assumptions about my business, my community, my country have forever been altered. If it was only the pandemic, that would be difficult enough. If it was only the shifting sands of our economy, that would be difficult enough. If it was only civil unrest because of the inequalities of our politics and policies, that would be difficult enough. But we are faced with all of it at once.

Summer of 2020
While it is not business as usual, most of my clients are very busy with new and on-going projects. After living and working in our houses for the last four months, many of us have discovered we need to make home improvements, from decluttering to planning renovations. This is great news for my clients who are in the home design industry. As architects, kitchen planners and designers, interior designers, builders, and vendors, they can get these kinds of projects done, and done very well. I’m not too shy to say that I have helped them win the awards they have earned and deserved. I am proud to work with these fabulous companies:
- KitchenVisions
- Audio Video Design
- Kevin Cradock Builders
- Diane Burcz Interior Design
- Dane Austin Design
- Helios Design Group
- Mellowes & Paladino Architects
- Barnet Window Treatments

So I am donning my mask to show up on photo shoot sites and meet with clients in person when appropriate. I’m always happy to communicate by e-mail, text, phone, or Zoom. In these times, communication is key. Our clients want to hear from us. They look forward to our messages and support. Although not a client, a wonderful business colleague has been sending out personal and meaningful messages to her clients and followers for the past couple of years. If you don’t already subscribe, I recommend getting onto the email list of Allison Iantosca, owner/President of F.H. Perry and one of our local design industry leaders. Her writing touches me every time with insight, humility, honesty and wisdom. Here is her latest message:
One of the aspects of Allison’s writing I admire most is her vision. She has a clear idea of how she wants to operate her business during these unsettling times. Having a sense of purpose, a mission and clarity around that mission drives us forward, even in the midst of a pandemic. Sometimes we need to re-evaluate what we are doing and how we are doing it. Often we need to tweak our message to reflect our current state of mind. That’s all OK. It’s good. It’s part of the evolution and growth of a person, a family, a business, a community, an economy, and even, a nation. I like to help my clients think through these vital pieces of their messaging.
Who are you? What are your values? What do you stand for? What’s your mission? The past few months have given me the time and opportunity to hash these concerns out for myself and Savvy Words. I’ll be writing more about this in the coming months. Take the time to ponder these for yourself and your company.

Wishing everyone a safe and productive summer. Good luck as we push forward through 2020.
Photo credits: ID 18958733 © Christoph Weihs | Dreamstime.com – glasses eye chart; ID 179957451 © | Dreamstime.com – SUMMER in sand with mask and glove; Value Vision Mission ID 150318588 © Jon Anders Wiken | Dreamstime.com